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I'm Dr. Kurt Lanigan
I'm a Saskatoon local chiropractor, business owner, and father of three. I can't live with out: my kiddos, hockey, and my essential nutrients; omegas-3, vitamin D and probiotics!

​Doctor of Chiropractic 2006 - Logan College of Chiropractic
Bachelor of Education 2001 - University of Regina
Bachelor of Science 1996 - University of Saskatchewan
Active Release Technique: Spine 2006, Upper Ext. 2006 Lower Ext. 2005
Functional Movement Systems Level 1
Cold Laser
Active Release Technique
Dr. K. Lanigan's Hours:
Monday: 11am-6pm
Tuesday: 7am-1pm
Wednesday: 1pm-7pm
Thursday: 7am-1pm
Friday: 8am-1pm
Saturday: Select Saturdays 9am-1pm
Sunday: Office Closed
Stat Holiday Weekends: Office Closed
Dr. Kurt's Favorite Health Quote____
A Little about Kurt. Something about why he does Chiropractic,
Maybe a little about his family or what he likes to do when he's not at the clinic.___________________________________________________________________________
What he does to keep himself healthy. _____ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Fun Facts:
I love a good book
I am a huge hockey fan
Coffee is LIFE!
Gin is my guilty pleasure!
I love to give away RUSH tickets (Watch for it on Instagram!)
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